The Ponds: Things to Keep in Mind

By Angelo Parra
The Ponds: Things to Keep in Mind

Homeowners are asked to do their part, observing these guidelines:

  1. Please do know, if you apply fertilizer, that the county prohibits nitrogen fertilizers during the rainy months, from June 1 through Sept 30.
    Phosphorus fertilizers are entirely prohibited.
  2. Please do not mow beyond your property line. The landscapers know what, where, and when to mow around the ponds.
  3. Please do not apply sprays of any kind outside your property line.
  4. Please do not add plantings beyond your property line, particularly not at the lake edges. Plants that appear attractive may be invasive and grow
    uncontrollably. Again, the landscapers know what, where, and when to plant around the ponds.
  5. Please do not remove lilies from the ponds; they provide shelter for the fish.
  6. Please do not dump lawn cuttings or leaves (or anything else for that matter) into the ponds (or on the roads or into the storm drains). The ecosystems of the ponds and the drainage systems are delicately balanced and easily upset.
  7. Please do not give instructions to the landscaping teams. They are not authorized to make exceptions or make decisions regarding preferences.
  8. Please do contact the VPCC (phone number) if you have problems or questions concerning the ponds and their vegetation/landscaping.

Cooperation and patience are the watchwords, especially for those residents bordering ponds. The pond challenges developed gradually over time, and will take some time to turn around.


If you haven't gotten the chance to read about the coordinated campaign to enhance the beauty and cleanliness of our community’s 44 lakes and ponds, please head over to this article "The Ponds: Help is on the Way".

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