Introducing E-Voting with GetQuorum

By VPHOA Board of Directors
Introducing E-Voting with GetQuorum

In ongoing efforts to enhance member engagement and participation, the VPHOA Board of Directors has adopted a secure, cutting-edge e-voting platform provided by GetQuorum. This system will significantly simplify the voting process for our community, making it more accessible and convenient for all community members to actively contribute to crucial decisions.

Simplified Consent Process:

To bring this transformation to life, your consent is pivotal. Offering your consent is a quick and straightforward process. Expect to receive consent forms from GetQuorum via email (sent from VPHOA Elections, <>). By following the provided instructions, you can grant your consent effortlessly. Your participation holds the key to the success of this groundbreaking initiative.

The Significance of Your Consent:

The integration of GetQuorum introduces electronic meeting notices and online voting, delivering a host of benefits that include cost savings, efficient meetings, and elevated homeowner involvement. This innovative approach empowers you to play an active role in shaping our community's decisions, even if your busy schedule prevents you from attending meetings in person. It also helps support our community's conservation efforts by only sending mailed/paper notices and ballots to homeowners who have chosen to not consent to, or withdraw their consent for, receiving electronic meeting notices and e-voting.

Crucial Timelines:

For your consent to be valid, ensure the consent form is signed and filed with the Association at least 14 days prior to the upcoming meeting or election where you plan to vote electronically. Failing to meet this timeline may affect your eligibility to participate in electronic voting or receive electronic meeting notices until the subsequent membership meeting or election. Remember, all online/electronic votes must be submitted prior to the meeting, as the option to vote electronically will close once the meeting commences.

Flexibility in Consent:

We recognize that preferences may change, and homeowners have the ability to revoke their consent. Should you wish to opt-out of electronic notice receipt and electronic voting, kindly provide written notice. Remember that this revocation must be submitted in writing, contacting association management no later than 30 days prior to the meeting or election for which you intend to vote.  

Are You Ready To Take This Step Forward With Us?

Be sure to provide your consent for electronic notice of meetings and electronic voting. Your response will play a pivotal role in shaping the future of the VPHOA!


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